Guest post: Ten tips for optimizing online articles



Marketing on the internet works very well with high quality content. So it is no wonder that entrepreneurs often run their own blogs, publish press releases and take a close look at their online offers.

The following ten tips will help you move up in search engine results lists. However, quick success is not to be expected. Continuous optimization, however, brings good long-term success – also internationally. Anyone who has good language skills and knowledge of the country in their target countries can communicate with people around the world on an equal footing

1. Get to know target groups

The offers on the Internet are just as different as people tick. It is important to know the target groups exactly. After all, readers should not only find search engine-optimized content quickly, but also want to use and read it.

2. Communicate at eye level

A good search result does not mean that the measure is economically successful. Content should be recommended. So it means to communicate with the target groups on an equal footing, to know and use the technical jargon and the colloquial language used.

3. Address target groups professionally, also internationally

When it comes to target groups abroad, professional translators with knowledge of the country help to develop the optimal reader approach. A simple word-for-word translation is out of place because it is more likely to contain errors and look ridiculous than professional and target-group oriented.

If you want to be internationally successful, the services of a translation agency are also recommended. Because the optimization of the content affects not only the language, but also the culture of the target groups.

4. Design content in a reader-friendly way and create added value

Headings and sub-headings, paragraphs, bold letters – in short, structures such as lists and indentations – help users to read. The easier it is to read a text on the screen, the longer users stay on the ball.

Interesting content with added value for readers is attractive and attracts readers. The length of stay also has a great influence on the ranking in the search engine result lists. Pictures and films also help to increase user interest.

5. Use keywords in a targeted manner

When interested parties are looking for content, they often use search engines such as Google. It is ideal if the content found there is precisely tailored to it through on-page optimization . The better the content reflects what the readers are looking for, the higher the click-through rates will be.

6. Smart search engine optimization on text

Selected keywords should appear specifically in the texts. Terms that appear at the beginning or at the end of a text are usually rated higher than those in between. Search terms are also advantageous in the headings.

7. Avoid spamming at all costs

Anyone who uses excessive keywords risks being penalized by Google. A target group-oriented use of the search terms is therefore useful. The readability of the article is always the top priority. With professional localization, content can also be used worldwide. Translation agencies and experts for the respective cultural landscape provide valuable help.

8. Pay attention to meta texts

The meta texts, such as the page title and page description, have a decisive influence on whether web content is clicked on frequently and whether it is of interest. However, it is important that the meta texts and content actually match. Otherwise, the so-called bounce rates increase, i.e. the bounce rates, which can weaken the ranking in the result lists.

9. Keep bounce rates low

The web crawlers constantly search the pages and also evaluate the bounce rates and the length of stay of the users, as well as recommendations and links on the World Wide Web. Therefore, it is very important that the content meets the expectations and needs of the users.

10. Promote content recommendation

The more popular a piece of content, regardless of whether it is a blog post or press release, the better the ranking for the content. Likes from Facebook or links to networks such as Xing and Twitter can also attract new readers and interested parties. Recommendations of content always do well. Especially if the person recommending them has a good reputation. Bloggers are also often well networked with one another. This has advantages for the ranking.

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